Training Starts Here

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Breeding the Type of Schnauzer, We Like to Keep!
We litter-box train our puppies much like cats, with pine pellet litter. We begin litter box training between 3-4 weeks of age. This helps play on natural instincts to keep their play and sleep area clean. By 5-8 weeks of age puppies are well trained and rarely have accidents. This helps immensely with the transition to house breaking and crate training. This also helps in the beginning months if you have to leave you puppy alone for extended periods of time. You can set them up in a small area with food, water, and a litter box and they are self sufficient and much cleaner in their habits.

Our Miniature Schnauzers puppies come to their new homes with our 1 year health guarantee against genetic defects, examination and first booster shot administration by our vet, freshly bathed and groomed by me to ensure a good experience. Tails and Dew Claws are done by our vet between 3-5 days old. New families will be provided with shot and worming record, microchip registration and a folder full of info regarding your puppy, parents AKC pedigrees and a grooming chart. Their puppy pack also includes size appropriate toys, a blanket that smells like home, and a 1 week supply of Puppy Food.

Loved From Day One

Our puppies are born in our home and live under our roof until they go to there new homes. The first few weeks of life are crucial for small pups and they are always under my watchful eyes in their whelping box. When pups reach the appropriate age and start walking they have daily interaction playing with our young children and us, as well as our adult dogs. This helps our puppies to be accustomed to children, loud noises and larger dogs. Our Miniature Schnauzers DO NOT live in a kennel outside.

All breedings we match are to create a better generation than the previous. We strive to breed even tempered puppies, of hardy robust build, with proper full coats that meet the breed standard. We do this by being very selective in our parents and insuring they carry these same qualities.
We never plan a breeding unless we have interested families in line for their future homes. Deposits are taken after birth and families watch the puppies grow, getting to love their new companion from birth.

Our Miniature Schnauzers puppies start being socialized right after birth. Every day they are handled, we practice moving their muzzle up and down, opening their mouth, and holding them on their backs in the air. They are accustom to hearing the noises of a home, like children and vacuums. This socializing and handling helps create a puppy that at 8 weeks is not afraid to be picked up and handled, Softens the transition to new homes, and prepares them for easy heart worm administration, grooming and homes with young children.